It seems as though so much time has passed us by, after all it is almost the season to be jolly. For naughty boys to worry about whether or not they made it off the "Naughty" list. This is one naughty boy that has no such worries. Firstly in February of this year my Top had to close down her premises, closely followed by my other spanker moving to a different village where I now have little or no contact with her. I though it would not be a problem as there are so many mommies and aunties out there that would dearly love to spank a bottom like mine. After all they are very good at threatening me. Now my mama has announced that it is over, time for this naughty boy to grow up.
How do I tell the story of exactly why I need spanking, that it not only corrects my behaviour but sets my sails.
I lie in bed at night long after mama has fallen asleep wondering if she really cares about me and my needs. I don't need much, a kiss and a hug every now and again. If I get stroppy or lippy, a quick bend over my knee, WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAPWHAP WHAP WHAP and goodbye lip and strop.
No Mario you are a man, you have to behave like a man, put aside this childish nonsense, be a man.
I do not want to grow up, I cannot care for myself.I need to be guided and told what to do, mama makes the decisions not me.
If she wont look after me what shall I do?